Questions to Ask Your Lawyer

We know that sometimes bad things happen to good people. We also know that not all personal injury lawyers are created equal. If you are unsure whether to hire a lawyer, we suggest erring on the side of caution and consulting with a lawyer. Most lawyers offer free initial consultations to evaluate whether you have a viable legal claim for damages.

Not only a lawyer advocate for you, but they also help level the playing field between you and the at-fault parties. They will take the necessary time to investigate the case and uncover the facts to find evidence that supports your claim and proves the other party’s actions led to your injuries.

It is important that there is mutual trust and respect between you and your lawyer. We further suggest there is pure genuine investment from your lawyer into you and your case...we find clients receive the best outcomes when this is the situation. If you don’t feel comfortable with your lawyer at the initial interview, there’s a strong possibility you will not enjoy an effective and successful working relationship. To prevent this from happening, below is a set of key questions to ask the lawyers you interview:

  1. How many cases similar to mine have you handled?
  2. What outcomes have you achieved in cases similar to mine? How many were taken to trial and won?
  3. Who would be handling my case –you or an associate?
  4. If other lawyers will work on my case, who are they and what services will they provide?
  5. How long is it likely to take to resolve my case?
  6. If I we receive a settlement offer that I believe is insufficient, but you want to settle, will you go to trial?
  7. If we receive a settlement offer that I want to accept, but you believe we could recover more by continuing to trial, will you agree to settle?
  8. How am I kept informed about the status and progress of my case?
  9. If I inquire with questions about my case, how quickly should I expect a response?
  10. Will I be able to reach you after hours in the event of an emergency?
  11. What is the current process for handling mesothelioma cases now that there is a trust fund?
    • Is it recommended that potential clients simply fill out the claim form and submit it to the trustee handling the fund rather than litigate?
  12. Will you accept my case on a contingency fee basis?
  13. What is your retainer or engagement fee?
  14. What other anticipated expenses would reduce my overall award in addition to the contingency fee, court costs, deposition costs. (i.e.,expert fees).
  15. What should I do over the course of my case to help you better represent me or get a better outcome?